Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cricket World Cup 1992 seems to be reminiscing. People have been doubting Imran Khan's Azadi March and the possibility of success for the past few days, but our Kaptaan has been super confident all along. Media has been writing this movement off but the people of Pakistan keep showing up in huge numbers everyday despite of rain, heat, containers, threats and other obstacles. This is a Major Breakthrough for this Azadi Movement. We are thankful to Afzal Khan for listening to his "Zameer ki Awaz". May Allah keep him secure as he continues revealing the facts regarding Election Rigging along with exposing big names like Fakhruddin Ibrahim, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Justice Riyaz Kiyani and others. Kaptaan, we are proud to have been standing with you through this movement. We trust that you will lead this nation towards victory like you did in 1992! Sab Taj Uchaley Jayenge Sab Takht Giraye Jayenge Hum Dekhen Gey Lazim Hai Ke Hum Bhi Dekhein Gey

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