Friday, November 7, 2014

[Testimonial by Rehab Abbasi on #AzadiSquare Movement]

I am a 16 year old girl from Islamabad and my dream is to bring change in my country in any way possible. I want to be in army but my dream of making change to this country may not be fulfilled by getting into army right away. First I want to work for PTI and wake the people of Pakistan up. And maybe my dream of making change is going to be fulfilled like this, Working for PTI has always been my ambition (it was actually like this : first work for PTI then go to army) because in the Chairman of PTI, I see a true leader who actually wants something good for his nation and for the next generation. A leader who has left everything for his country. His life revolves around Pakistan. Unlike our most of the leaders he never craves for money ... what he craves for is success of this nation, the rising of the nation and its people. A leader whose mission is not just to make the PM resign but to unite the people of Pakistan and make them stand as ONE. A leader who is known by rich, poor, old, young, literate, illiterate, and even by non muslims from around the world. And a leader who treats everyone equally. My leader is IMRAN KHAN, a Khan who has taken the name of Khans and the nation to the next level. "Justice, Humanity and Self Esteem", these three words are not just Imran Khan's goal but now these three words and the meaning and the reason behind them is now my goal too. Spread these three words and infuse their meaning in every Pakistanis heart is now my goal too. Just like my leader now i also have to work hard and struggle to unite this nation and make it stand as ONE. I think what my leader is doing is exemplary for those who can't raise their voices for their rights because they are slaves to their rulers and to money their rulers are feeding them with. Pakistan is the country that was supposed to be known for its beauties, united people, and especially for its PEACE. But the Pakistan we live in or should i say the Pakistan the is represented by our leaders os the Pakistan that is full of terrorism and violence... This is not Pakistan. But Allah has given us another opportunity to make Pakistan a country that our Quaid wanted it to be. Allah has blessed us with a leader like Quaid, who actually wants good for the country and he is Imran Khan. I was never into politics and actually hated it but the day Imran Khan started his Azadi March, that was the day my political awareness activated. I now search for the truth. I will work for PTI and my country till me last breath and will definitely bring change to my beloved nation. Because that time is not far when we will be living in a Naya Pakistan and will be breathing air of freedom. And in the end there is one thing for my Kaptaan "THERE ARE MANY WHO ARE PROUD TO BE PAKISTANIS, BUT A VERY FEW THAT PAKISTAN IS PROUD OF" And you my Kaptaan are one those who Pakistan is proud of. Pakistan Zindabad!

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