Sunday, October 19, 2014

[Testimonial by Nasir Khattak from KP District Karak about change in KP and #AzadiSquare Movement]

Once upon a time that there was a time in Pakistan when we the youth were not taking interest in the politics of Pakistan, because we knew that there were only two parties in Pakistan i.e. PPP and PMLN. If one Bhutto dies another will appear in shape of Bilawal and Bakhtawar, similarly if Nawaz sharif dies Hassan Nawaz will be ready to rule us, as they have been ruling us for many years. In 1996 the man with steel nerves to whom God has given charismatic personality “”Imran khan”” respected everywhere in every corner of the world came in to politics for us and introduced his own political party known as Pakistan Tehreek e insaf. Imran Khan (IK) taught and informed us about the strength of our vote;that the parties which are making us fools again and again are actually not responsible, only we are responsible as we haven’t raised our voices against their corruptions and injustices. Further IK made us realise thats it’s the time we decide whether to improve our living style or to remain in the slavery of two family parties. I truly believe IK is the only man who can rid us from their slavery. Already IK has shown us his Excellency in shape of winning world cup, making world class cancer hospital and Namal University. IK doesn’t need any publicity and money as God has already given him enough and he is fighting for our rights. Now in KP as his party is the ruling party till now his party is legislating brilliantly by introducing brilliant bills e.g. right to information act, right to services act, conflict of interest act and many more like this. Visible improvement in Police, education and health department can be easily felt. I remember when in the beginning IK started his campaign, people used to come out to see him not to listen him, but with the passage of time people came out to listen him as well. And for the first time I visited Lahore in my life just because of IK for a historical jalsa at Minar e Pakistan. When IK announced for AZADI MARCH many others like me have thought that this march is only for PM resignation, but the output of AZADI MARCH is just excellent as it has raised the whole nation and the PM resignation has gone to tertiary level. And the whole credit of rising, waking up and educating the Pakistanis about their rights goes to IK. Now even People from sindh are calling IK to lead Sindh as they need it most because they have suffered a lot from Bhutto name. I along with my cousins have also spent few days at Azadi square. And we will always support IK because the difference between IK and other politicians is, IK thinks about next generation while the rest of politicians think about next election. All I meant was what so ever the dark period of Pakistan politics has been buried.IK has done his job now its our turn to fulfil our responsibilities by contributing our part in making NAYA PAKISTAN, because we know he is the only man who can bring Pakistan to a progressive track. Lastly, I can say proudly that my IK is better than every Bhutto, And change is not on its way, change has arrived.

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