Thursday, October 23, 2014

[Testimonial by Wasim Wazir on #AzadiSquare Movement]

"66 days with My Kaptaan" Today is the 66th day since I am here and part of the historic struggle. I was destined to be at this Dharna consistently. I assert this as over the years, I have had many options to leave the city and move out, but nature contrived positively to keep me here. Initially, I was not sure about the intense need of attending the dharna, But slowly, it became clear to me that it was not some run-of-the-mill political / election campaign. I have finally realized that its an awakening/Social/Political awareness campaign when I witnessed the start of struggle against the VIP culture by offloading 2 VIPs from a plane. The more it will go on, It will shift / inject more freedom in people's minds. Go Nawaz Go is not a slogan against a specific person, it has become the voice of the oppressed against the corrupt ruling elite which this nation is facing for more than six decades. India had their hero Nehru alive for good amount of time after their freedom to make sure the powers be shifted to common man to some good extant. We have been enslaved & divided consistently in the name of religion, ethnicity & sects - this has happened through a very well organised campaign. Every now and then we see different kind of fights in our society, Sometimes Shia/Sunni, Sometimes Urdu speaking/Punjabi/Pathan/Balooch/Sindhi, Sometimes through TTP. Somehow every time these players judge our threshold by igniting violence according to their requirements and making sure to keep this country on continuous downward spiral. The numbers of the oppressed have increased drastically that these corrupt elite got caught in their own game of power. Imran Khan has put the breaks on at this malicious looting spree of status Quo by mobilizing the masses from lower, middle & upper middle class. I am not sure if Imran Khan will be alive or Chairman of PTI at the time of a complete visible change, but he has initiated & placed the first brick of a solid nation building. Whenever I feel less motivated, I recall two precious moments in these 66 days: 1) The late night speech of Imran Khan on 15th Aug in heavy rain at around 3:30 AM. 2) The night of 31st Aug. Fighting against the brutality of police & at times when we felt exhausted and backed off few yards back. At those moments I can't forget the words of Khan "Mere Nowjawano"... And we rushed back towards the Container. Almighty has brought us this far, and it's not that long remaining when we will achieve our aim and get true freedom for the nation! Its all about #Dignity #Faith & #Persistence!

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