Saturday, October 4, 2014

[Testimonial by Rida Aurangzaib on Lahore Jalsa]

My name is Rida Aurangzaib and im from Lahore, I was one of those people who had no interest in Pakistani politics before, because the system was fragile and corrupt. it was one year before getting legal, when i started supporting PTI and from that time i am watching Khan struggling through this corrupt system trying to take down these culprits, they say " Khan is doing immature politics" yes because Khan is not involved in any money laundering cases, corruption, or killings of innocent. his face is the face of a true patriot. there was no trend of girls attending jalsas here in Pakistan to show their strength but now, because of Khan, not a single parent is afraid to send their daughters or sisters to these jalsas and dharnas and most of our men started respecting women and Khan, this is just because of you. You are a true leader. you are leading from the front this is why the people are gathering on your one call, the people who never went to jalsas are attending your azadi march. because they want to change this system. this nation is sick and tired of this Badshahat. these lions are eating their own people. i myself is sick of these notorious creatures, that's why i started volunteer work with the party and that's why i attended the first jalsa in my life. and believe me it made me a true patriot. the people around me were selfless and passionate because they were not paid by anyone. the excitement i've witnessed can't be expressed in words. and as a result of this jalsa i'm clear about how i feel about khan. In the end i must say, Khan, you are a man of honor, Allah Almighty is happy with you. He gave you so much honor and respect from his people. you are our hero. and we are standing here with you till the end of this movement no matter what they say. they are underestimating the power and stamina of this nation. INSHALLAH YOU WILL MAKE NAYA PAKISTAN. #GoNawazGo

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