Thursday, September 25, 2014

Despite heavy rainfall, people stayed with Chairman Imran Khan, we have witnessed rain, storms, cold/hot weather, shelling and so called "rubber bullets".

Despite heavy rainfall, people stayed with Chairman Imran Khan, we have witnessed rain, storms, cold/hot weather, shelling and so called "rubber bullets". We have heard people will disperse in 2 days, 4 days, 10 days, after shelling, 20 days is maximum, one month is impossible and many such predictions. But on 27th June, 2014 when Imran Khan announced Azadi March for the first time he predicted that no one can stop people of Pakistan no matter what, Nation will fight until the end and Kaptaan will not leave unless people are free from cruel leadership. His predictions came true and people are still standing and fighting for their rights. Inshallah this country will witness the biggest ever gathering in Lahore on 28.09.2014, which was once the heart the PMLN politics.

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