Monday, September 22, 2014

[Testimonial by Sara Haroon on Karachi Jalsa]

I cannot recall a single event where I have seen so many people proceed as one with electrifying determination. Magnificence reigns supreme, as so many have been awakened to gather on one forum. Khan has done it. The damage to other parties vote is done. Lakhs of people. Easily half a million. The number of buses that I saw, I am overwhelmed. We parked and walked a good fifteen to twenty minutes, to our spot where we stood. We did not see the stage from where we were as if there was only a sea of people infront of us and behind us. We heard all the speeches admist much sloganeering, of the teens, elderly, kids, middle aged, children and then the few month old babies. People of Pakisan have had enough and are saying it. The masses have had enough. A good mix of people. Not just the burger kind. More so the ones who are not resourceful enough to pull strings, were there with HOPE infront of them! Such high emotion, the fun and frolicking teens, then those of us who really really wanted to hear Shah Mehmood Qureshi, IK, Sheik Rashid speak. The turn out has been awesome, 'bahut bahut bahut bahut saray thoray say log' as a friend put it. We have a lot to be thankful for, that the nation is thinking about right and wrong, corrupt and a just system. Also for being able to have come back safe to the comforts of our home. Exhausted yet excited. Special kudos to Islamabad folks for keeping the adrenaline every day!! Pakistan Zindabad!!

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