Tuesday, September 23, 2014

[Testimonial on Karachi Jalsa by an Overseas Pakistani who canceled his flight]

I am a qualified Civil Engineer who is doing Masters from Bahçeşehir University- Istanbul. I had a flight to catch up for Istanbul at 3 am in the morning but I cancelled it to attend Karachi Jalsa. I was there in PTI Jalsa to make my contribution towards Naya Pakistan. I specially come to Karachi from KPK for this Jalsa. For overseas Pakistanis, rigged elections are an utter embarrassment. By challenging the rigged system, Imran Khan has shaken the entire corruption. Now, we all are hoping to welcome the historic day of Change which we all are immensely waiting since years. We trust Imran Khan because he is destined to bring a real positive change in Pakistan. We, overseas Pakistanis trust him with our money because we are sure that with him, our money is not only save but also helping in the progress of our beloved motherland. We are part of this struggle and soon we will make a Naya Pakistan where the future of our kids would be in safe and trustworthy hands. Engineer Haider Ali Khan Bahçeşehir University - Istanbul

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