Wednesday, September 24, 2014

[Testimonial by Nida Javed Rao on #AzadiSquare Movement]

I was never interested in politics before 25 Dec 2011 Jalsa of PTI in Karachi. On that day when I heard Imran Khan's speech, I was completely shocked. Each and every word of his went straight to my heart. Tearful, I asked myself that Why I was so ignorant about my beloved Pakistan? He urged me to think that why I am not contributing for my homeland ? For the first time I pondered upon my Pakistani brother's and sister's and problems, miseries and issue from which people are suffering. It changed me to an extent that I decided to stand with Kaptaan and his vision of Naya Pakistan. After that I explored Imran Khan and his ideology. The more i explored the more i became patriotic. Now I am a Pakistani who wants to work for my land and for other people who are struggling. Kaptaan made me a human with emotions who feels pain for other's misery. On 11 May, I voted for PTI with same enthusiasm as people who were with Jinnah in Tehreek-e-Pakistan. I voted for change but my vote got changed, they stole my vote and later I realized that it happens in every election. PTI's "defeat" didn't demorolise me and I stood with My Kaptaan against injustice to achieve Naya Pakistan. Imran khan became a voice of me and millions who were frustrated and lead #AzadiMarch towards Islamabad. I joined the sit-in to fight for our rights. At Azadi Square, when I saw My Captain for the first time; tears rolled down my eyes when I saw my teacher, inspiration , mentor, guide, My Quaid-e-Insaf in front of me. Whenever I feel low, just few words of my Inspirational Leader makes me strong again to fight against Status-quo. I saw a reflection of Quaid-e-Azam in my Kaptaan. I am fortunate and proud that I am standing in Azadi Square to witness the making of Naya Pakistan. The day I went to Azadi Square in pursuit of Naya Pakistan despite all hurdles, I had belief that if we will not stand at this point we will be enslaved for ever. Azadi March gave me wonderful memories which will last all my life. Azadi March taught me that one should stand against oppression and tyranny to achieve justice. It has made my personality and Emaan stronger and I am with Kaptaan in making Naya Pakistan till my last breath.Whenever I saw Kaptaan my heart screams " Jinnah Is Back ". For Imran Khan I will say two lines " Jiska Hami Ho Khuda Koun Usse Zilaat Dey Izzatein Uski Hain Jissey Khuda Izzat Dey " Imran khan is in our hearts. It's only his belief in ALLAH, his strenuous efforts and commitment that after 18 years of continuous struggle his Nation has finally Awakened. Even little children are screaming " Imran Khan Bachaye Ga Pakistan". Lastly Kaptaan's defeat is Pakistan's defeat and his success is Naya Pakistan because it's my belief that only Imran Khan can save my dear motherland, Pakistan's future. My fellow Pakistanis please join us for us for our future for our PAKISTAN.

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