Thursday, September 25, 2014

Updates from Imran Khan Foundation

As one of the first responders in wake of recent devastating floods in AJK & Punjab, on the instruction of Mr. Imran Khan, IKF teams are continuously on the move in flood hit areas and are involved in providing food relief & temporary shelter (tents) to the flood affected people. Another consignment of 7 trucks containing 450 tents & emergency food relief items for 700 families had been dispatched today to Jhang by IKF. It was the third food relief items consignment and first consignment of tents out of 1500 tents procured for the flood relief. Up till now, IKF distributed more than PKR 10 million worth of emergency food relief items and have procured tents worth of PKR 11.4 million for the flood affected people in 3 districts of AJK & 6 district of Punjab

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