Monday, September 22, 2014

[Testimonial by Sajid Saleem Kayani, PTI Social Media Team from Haira, Azad Kashmir]

[Testimonial by Sajid Saleem Kayani, PTI Social Media Team from Haira, Azad Kashmir] I am Sajid Saleem Kayani from Hajira Azad Kashmir working in Saudi Arabia. By profession I am an Engineer but love to introduce myself as a member of PTI Social Media Team. I have strong believe and faith that Naya Pakistan movement is equally important like the “Movement of Pakistan”. We have lost the Quaid’s Pakistan, dreams of Iqbal haven’t come true yet in 67 years. Unfortunately all the rulers of Pakistan just focused only on pillaging and corruption. They are humiliating the name of Pakistan everywhere in the world. Pakistani nation has become football in Military dictatorship and royal-democracy. We see in the world that Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people but in Pakistan they have changed the definition here it is, Democracy is the government of one family, by the rigging and for that family. It was very important for better Pakistan that someone should stand up against this system and mafias. Sir Imran Khan has decided to change this regime. He is working hard for this nation. He has everything. If he wants he can enjoy his life anywhere in the world but he is struggling and sacrificing only for us. His all struggle is for our new generation. We have to realize this and must have to stand with him. I am sure his determination, confidence, will power and intention will build the Naya Pakistan and that day will come soon when وہ دن کہ جس کا وعدہ ہے جو لوح ازل میں لکھا ہے جب ظلم و ستم کے کوہ گراں روئی کی طرح اڑ جائیں گے ہم محکوموں کے پائوں تلے یہ دھرتی دھڑدھڑدھڑکے گی اور اہل حکم کے سر اوپر جب بجلی کڑ کڑ کڑکے گی ہم اہل سفا مردود حرم مسند پہ بٹھائے جائیں گے سب تاج اچھالے جائیں گے سب تخت گرائے جائیں گے بس نام رہے گا اللہ کا جو غائب بھی ہے حاضر بھی جو ناظر بھی ہے منظر بھی ااٹھے گا انا الحق کا نعرہ جو میں بھی ہوں اور تم بھی ہو اور راج کرے گی خلق خدا جو میں بھی ہوں اور تم بھی ہو لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے۔۔۔ IN'SHA'ALLAH … I had a great desire to join my captain in Islamabad sit-in but unfortunately I am far from there but still as the part of PTI Social media team I am doing something which I can proudly tell my new generation that I had also played my role in Naya Pakistan Movement. I am sure that day will come very soon when our dreams come true. IN'SHA'ALLAH.

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