Friday, September 26, 2014

[Testimonial by Faraz Zaidi on Karachi Jalsa]

So much has been said about these Dharnas, the sparse crowd, burger people, concerts, abusive choice words used for girls, mothers and sisters but nothing whatsoever can deter the spirits of these people. I've attended PTI sit-ins before and I was there today at Mazar-e-Qaid too, but for me, its impossible to brand this crowd in brackets. I saw all of Karachi today, from young boys to elderly men, children, women and families coming in rickshaw, small boy holding his fathers hands on a bus roof. There was separate entry for families and a separate section in Jalsa-gah was also reserved for them. As I walked back from the jalsa-gah, scores of people were getting on their bikes, cars but most were just walking. Looking for a rickshaw/taxi but when they couldnt find one, they were boarding the buses. I got onto a mini-bus and it was full of PTI flags, constant chants of Go-Nawaz-Go echoed in my head as I reached home. I saw Pathans, Punjabis, Sindhi, Saraiki, urdu-speaking and literally all caste/religions you can expect in Karachi. Just look at this video and see the sea of people, from one end to another. This is the true representation of this city and it has, just like the nation, has given its verdict. Long live Imran Khan, Long live PTI Faraz Zaidi

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