Thursday, September 18, 2014

[Testimonial by Ahad Awan on #AzadiSquare Movement]

If i have a few stories to tell my kids, the experience i had at this Dharna is sure going to be one of them. I am from Lahore and spent over two weeks at PTI's Dharna in Islamabad. I lost my phone, wallet that had my ATM, ID cards, my bag that had my clothes and over 7k cash. The only motivation I had to stay there was 'Azadi'. I believe this is the time when we can change the way this country has been running and can get rid of the corrupt elite that has made us slaves. Who had imagined that people of all the ages, from all walks of life would ever take part in such a political activity. To be honest, I believe Khan has won already. He has done it, surely done it. Sharif resignation is just going to like 'lifting a trophy after you have won the match'. And no matter who leaves, this Tehreek is not going to stop now. I feel elated to be a part of this history making Dharna. Thank you IK for waking me up, waking us up. I am not sure if we will be able to pay your back for whatever you have done for us. Thank you for giving us a chance to be proud of our country. Thank you for telling us that there is hope. Thank you for telling us things can be better! Thank you IK!

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