Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[Testimonial by Javaria Khan on #AzadiSquare Movement]

[Testimonial by Javaria Khan on #AzadiSquare Movement] That day was 'One Nation Day'. For the first time in my life I took a stand. I forced/convinced my family to take me to Azadi square to let me be a part of this movement. To contribute a little for a better Pakistan. A Naya Pakistan. They agreed and I couldn't sleep the whole night because I was finally doing something that I had been dreaming about for the last 30 days! Alas! Next day after a couple of hurdles we finally reached Azadi Square. It was hot and crowded there. Tsunami of people everywhere! Chanting 'Go Nawaz Go' like saying that particular slogan was making them the happiest human beings alive at that moment. I was part of it too. And then Imran Khan came on stage and addressed the nation.They say anger triggers the region of the brain associated with honesty, that's when the truth comes out. I saw it with my own eyes when IK was speaking! I felt it when I was standing in the middle of a massive crowd who were chanting 'Go Nawaz Go'. The hatred they felt, I felt, towards all corrupt so called democratic parties was unexplainable! Imran Khan was angry at corrupt parties but he was ecstatically charged with hope of New Pakistan. His words were emitting the energy that every single one of us were dying to feel. Trust me when I say that those were the most blissful moments of my life. There was no Sindhi, no Balochi, no Pathan and no Punjabi. There was a Nation. One Nation! A nation that would gladly put their everything for a leader like Imran Khan. I'm not sure about others but I've learned alot of things from Imran Khan; most importantly I've learned that fear vanishes when we speak truth. To fight for what is right. To own what is righteously mine. I don't know what will happen in the coming days but one thing is for sure that Imran Khan is capable to reach to the finish line. He will never quit no matter how tired he'll get. He will keep going on along with all of us inshaAllah. We're not leaving our captain as he also promised to stand with us! God bless him. Stay safe Captain! Proud to have a leader like Imran Khan! Proud to be a Pakistani! Javaria Khan Lahore, Pakistan

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