Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[Testimonial by Osama Mahmood on #AzadiSquare Movement]

I have been in ISF for 3 years, was 15 years old then. I used to hate politics before that, meanwhile Tsunami hit Lahore on October 31, 2011, which made me and rest of the youth realize our worth in Nation building. Serving Imran Khan's purpose since then, I attended the 23rd March Minar e Pakistan Jalsa, experienced the unforgettable & never ending Junoon of the Pakistani people, forgetting their Castes, Religion & Sects to join under one cause "NAYA PAKISTAN". Then came the Elections, I wasn't 18 at that time, I couldn't vote, but made all my family, friends and their families to vote for Change. I was on roads, sacrificed my studies, what did I get? What did the Nation get? A corrupt, unjust and fraudulent Government formed by stealing the mandate of millions. And now when Imran Khan is standing for our rights, we should stand by him, Otherwise God Forbid, we'll not be able to get the real democracy throughout our lives. "There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." Join Imran Khan at #AzadiSquare to save our right to vote. Osama Mehmood

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