Thursday, September 18, 2014

[Testimonial by Zahida-ul-Haq on #AzadiSquare Movement]

[Testimonial by Zahida-ul-Haq on #AzadiSquare Movement] My family and friends are inquisitive as to why I pay so much attention to the current situation in Pakistan. My brothers tease me and my children question me.. Why? Why, you are British born and live in the UK... I may be British born and live in the UK but Pakistan was the homeland of my parents, and their parents before them. My ancestors fought for Pakistan. My mother and father tell me stories of how Pakistan was made how they endured what they did, before finally coming to Britain for a better quality of life. I grew up with the 'Bhutto' regime.. I remember the anguish my mum went through when he was trialled and hung. I remember a family holiday to Pakistan and 'Zia' dying in a helicopter crash. I was there in Pakistan. The country came to a standstill.. I was part of that, I experienced that...I can tell my children that story... Looking back nothing much has changed, we might have metro buses and highways and nice buildings. Something nice to look at...But people continue to struggle, basic needs are not met. People struggle to put a meal in their mouths.. Children roam the streets, or sit in a makeshift school on the street. If you are ill unless you pay, you don't get treatment. What happened to humanity? What happened to 'basic needs' that EVERY human has a right to.. Pakistani or not. Today I see Imran Khan, the cricketer I grew up watching (having 5 elder brothers) Cricketer turned politician.. Why I believe in Khan? I believe because I HAVE seen. I have HEARD and I can WITNESS that Khan Sb has no ulterior motives, he has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Why? Why would he want to take the weight of a nation on his shoulders, a nation that despite having so much to offer, have not been allowed to transpire because of corrupt politicians. Imran needs your support and your dedication and a chance to prove that he CAN and WILL bring change.... If you didn't believe in Imran Khan you wouldn't be there now. If Imran Khan didn't recognize 'your 'needs he would be sitting in the comfort of his home and watching people struggle, but no he has a heart he has a mission and YOU my dear family and friends, ARE that mission... Tomorrow I hope my children will be able to tell similar stories..

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