Friday, September 12, 2014

[Testimonial by Zeeshan Shafqat Malik, member of PTI Social Media Team on Imran Khan and Azadi March

[Testimonial by Zeeshan Shafqat Malik, member of PTI Social Media Team on Imran Khan and Azadi March] Just a few years ago, I had no political acumen. I rarely watched news and had no interest in current affairs of Pakistan whatsoever. I was a person who wasted most of his time watching movies, hanging out with friends and cursing Pakistan. To me this country was a place only for the elite class, or for the crook. My thinking was a bit harsh towards our people. Mostly because of what I was exposed to; through media and through listening to others. Back then there was no politician who talked to ‘youth’ in a direct-tone. There was no one who understood that ‘youth’ is future of this country, and that this ‘youth’ will ultimately have to lead this nation to prosperity. Amidst all my negative and pessimistic thinking, I came across our ‘Kaptaan’. For some time, I thought that he is just like others, trying to take advantage of ‘youth’ by sugar-coating whatever he said. I followed his views on media, and did my share part of research about his political ideology. A time came when I had to admit that he is a ‘real deal’ unlike others. And I became a staunch supporter of ‘Kaptaan’. Since the time I pledged my allegiance to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, I traveled around Pakistan to attend almost each political procession. One may have difference of opinion with ‘Kaptaan’, but I personally believe that I must acknowledge him for one thing: If it was not because of him, I wouldn’t be so involved in politics of Pakistan, worrying about on-going economic turmoil, figuring out needs of a common man, feeling angry at misuse of power by status-quo and thinking about making Pakistan a better place. He not only made me politically aware, but he enlightened me with my rights; taught me to question our leaders. Today, though I support ‘Kaptaan’, even then; I raise my concerns and ask questions to my leadership and even to ‘Kaptaan’ whenever I get a chance. Political uprising of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has only been successful because of strong ideological stand of ‘Kaptaan’ and by the tireless efforts of Pakistanis, especially ‘youth. I was very much happy and excited when ‘Kaptaan’ announced ‘Azadi March’, finally he delivered what he had been promising us. People ask me why, and I tell them: we had to come on streets because the corrupt political elite completely ripped us off of our rights. Our journey at ‘Azadi Square’ has been full of emotions, prayers and happiness. Thousands of people coming back again-and-again every day to stand under the leadership of ‘Kaptaan’, is something never heard of. The political precedent set by ‘Kaptaan’ is unorthodox that is why everyone starts questioning him because at the time they simply do not understand it. Whatever happens, I promise to my ‘Kaptaan’ and my people, that I will keep joining him at ‘Azadi Square’ until we achieve for what we came here. Believe me people; if we are together they can never, ever defeat us. I am Zeeshan Shafquat Malik, and I stand proud with Imran Khan.

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