Sunday, September 14, 2014

[Testimonial on #AzadiSquare Movement by Farah Iqbal Lodhi]

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf; more than a political party, it is a platform that has empowered me to participate in politics and to raise my voice for my own rights. Election 2013 was the first election of my life in which I was eligible to cast my vote. In this election, I served as polling agent of PTI. I am the witness of rigging. I am the witness how my mandate was stolen. I was waiting that Supreme Court of Pakistan will take notice of this but months passed & no one bothered to take notice of “Tauheen-e-Riyaasat” but they promptly took the notice of “Tauheen-e-Adaalat” because of a single word “Sharamnaak”. I take part in #AzadiDharna because I want my right. I support Imran Khan because he is fighting for my right. During one of the Azadi Dharna at Expo Centre Karachi I met a 9 year old girl who was enchanting slogans GO NAWAZ GO. I asked her why you want Nawaz to go? She replied because he is not my Prime Minister. He did rigging. I asked: Who do you think Prime Minister is? She said: Wazir-e-Azam Imran Khan. Such is the passion in my upcoming generation. Such is the level of political awareness and motivation in our kids. This is the hope that Imran Khan gave to this nation. Why shouldn’t I support him? I support him because he is a ray of hope in the darkness of despair. He is the one who will transform Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state. Inshallah Naya Pakistan! Farah Iqbal Lodhi PTI

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