Saturday, September 6, 2014

Understanding Imran Khan !

Understanding Imran Khan! In order to see where Khan's perspective comes from you have to look at not just today but also yesterday. In several of his interviews he clearly mentions that he in fact the only fast bowler who has ever completely changed his action to go on and perform well. This happened against the advice of his coaches and peers. Fast forward a few years and you see him building a hospital. One where he was told by 19 consultant out of 20 that it can't be done. The one remaining consultant said that even if you build it, you won't be able to provide free treatment to the patients. These people were highly experienced in their field yet Khan stuck to his vision and today the hospital is a model institution that serves more than 70% patients free of cost. In the field of politics, the same cycle repeated itself. He was ridiculed over and over again on national television. Told that this isn's his cup of tea and that he will never win more than the one seat he has in the national assembly. After 18 years of struggle, we saw a wave sweep the entire nation. Not only that, Khan also succeeded in fielding the most youth candidates than any other party in the national elections. More than 35% of PTI's candidates were under the age of 40 and 80% had never been elected to the assemblies before. After losing his wife and kids in the process of this struggle and making immense personal sacrifices on the eve of 11th May the revolution that began almost two decades ago was stolen by the most corrupt in our society. What do you expect him to do? sit back? take the advice of those who are happy with a 'good enough' result and maintain their standing in the national election? He is only doing what he has done his whole life. He has a vision, he is standing with the truth, and he will put his utmost into achieving it. I put my faith behind the man who has built this country's biggest charity organization, won it its first world cup, and beat the partnership of the most corrupt political parties who took turns to bleed this nation dry. The question is, who do you put your faith behind?

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