Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Chairman PTI Imran Khan today categorically stated that in his 18 years struggle for Insaf and democracy he has never needed any crutches to bolster him politically. He has always stood by his principles of fighting for real democracy and the rights of the ordinary people of Pakistan regardless of caste or creed. He neither needs to nor would seek to approach the military on political issues. In fact Khan reminded that throughout the Azadi March he has emphasised that he would never accept any undemocratic action or intervention.

Chairman PTI Imran Khan today categorically stated that in his 18 years struggle for Insaf and democracy he has never needed any crutches to bolster him politically. He has always stood by his principles of fighting for real democracy and the rights of the ordinary people of Pakistan regardless of caste or creed. He neither needs to nor would seek to approach the military on political issues. In fact Khan reminded that throughout the Azadi March he has emphasised that he would never accept any undemocratic action or intervention.

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