Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[Testimonial by Aimal Khan Kakar on #AzadiSquare Movement]

[Testimonial by Aimal Khan Kakar on #AzadiSquare Movement] I officially became a part of the PTI in 2009 after much deliberation and my views have only become more well-founded during the last 5 years i have worked with a party. When i initially joined the movement I was often subject to ridicule by family & friends who were either Partisan supporters of one of orthodox parties which have debilitated pakistan to a state of perpetual downfall or cynics who had lost all hope and stated that governance is not a match of cricket. Every time i drew inspiration from Imran Khan's inexorable nature to rebut the flawed thinking that comes along with the negativity of continuous disappointment and choosing between ills rather than struggling for a cure. Although being a law student I can clearly see the unconstitutional and often criminal acts of the government, it doesn't take higher education but common sense to realise the difference between justice & injustice. The current political upheaval is prove of the fact that the parties who have been continuously bashing each other since they came to exist have suddenly formed "Democratic alliances" against the unyielding might of Khan, indeed they are the birds of the same feather and have united to protect their oligarchic status and interests but the people have finally come out, they have at last heard the truth and are out on streets for the Azadi March at all times against all elements or circumstances for an ideology that advocates unity and not seperation, which is based on principles of humanity rather than hate preached by zealots, which seeks a metamorphosis from a system of greed into a welfare state with a fair judicial system and basic human rights. Let us all move together towards these mutually beneficial goals under the leadership of a man with such mettle and substance which has seldom been seen in the political landscape of the world and move towards a new Pakistan before the last straw falls and the back of this nation breaks. #GoNawazGo.

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