Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[Testimonial by Muhammad Haroon on #AzadiSquare Movement]

[Testimonial by Muhammad Haroon on #AzadiSquare Movement] My name is Muhammad Haroon,n i am from Islamabad,n I swear to God i haven't seen such a fearless Leader ever in my life before,who talk to a countless crowd without hiding behind any bullet proof item,who march along with his people on foot,who fights for the poor by living in a cage like container even for months.Even though i attended the sitting almost every evening,but was hesitating to go there when those GULLU BUTTS of nawaz sharif was shelling and killing innocent women n children,because my first thought was that if i would get killed,no one would ever know about me,KHAN will forget soon,so i should avoid going there! But After last night when i saw KHAN fighting with the POLICE for his workers who were detained illegally,standing infront of them without any security,getting them released, i would just say that,KHAN SAHAB AAP K LIYE YEH AIK KYA AISI 100 JANAIN QURBAAN, AAP CALL DO AIK BAAR BUS,AKHIRI DUM TAK LARHNA HAI AB IN LOOTAIRON SAY! And for those who still are afraid of these GULLU BUTTS i would say,If He is risking his life just to save our future,then why shouldn't we risk ours??

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